~* LEAP *~
Good morning and Happy Leap year! Today I read Proverbs 29. I could really relate to verse 6 which reads: "Evil people are trapped by sin, but the righteous escape, shouting for joy!" WOO~HOO, YEAH!!! Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!
Today is a bonus...of course everyday is, because each new day implies that GOD is giving you another opportunity to do something great! This morning, when I woke up I just felt extra blessed! (psst...That really is a loaded statement...let me explain!) Being blessed means that you have so much to be thankful for, yes, but if you are not careful about taking every thought captive... your blessings can become overwhelming as you realize that they are also responsibilities! Blessings are definitely worth it, no doubt about it, I would not rather have the alternitive: NO BLESSINGS! But let's get real , life is organic! As a Mama those "blessings" can sometimes feel like a lot to be responsible for. It can become overwhelming, really, but I am learning that it doesn't have to be that way! Some days I teeter on the edge of my blessings, and I have on occasion fallen into the pit of self pity. I'm just sayin'!
It is all in the way you look at things, for example: The sun is shining, I am saved, I am blessed, I have food to eat (and I "get to" feed my flock), I am blessed, I have a family (to take care of), I am blessed, I have dogs (translation "Sometimes I have to pick up a dog turd!") I am blessed, I have a home (to clean), I am blessed, I have some really great clothes that I enjoy wearing (which translates to laundry!), I am blessed, I have a bed (to make), I am blessed.... you startin' to get the picture? With great blessing comes great responsibilty...but don't let yourself loose sight of the blessing.
How do you look at life? Tough minded optimist, or patheticly unpleasant pessimist? I have decided to excersize my optimistic muscles this leap year and leap forward into a new mindset! It is going to be life changing!
Being a home school Mama, wife and human living in this century is a blessing that sometimes requires a cheer leader to get me fired up about the whole daily grind! I have to admit this... sometimes, honestly I do feel overwhelmed! I have found that I can loose sight of the blessing if I focus on me...translation = self pity = which is a sin and I have the keys to set everyonefree who is trapped by this sin! THE KEY IS TO HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE, and of course have a love relationship with JESUS CHRIST! It is that simple...I used to be in lock down and now I am free...Does anybody out there need an escape? Am I alone here? Am I talkin' to anybody in cyber space? Contact me, I don't have all the answers, but I know Someone who does!
I have found that the HOLY SPIRIT is the best cheer leader EVER!!! HE is my teacher, and HE is so patient!
Old Mr. Webster defines "Leap" as:
verb (used without object)
1. to spring through the air from one point or position to another; jump: to leap over a ditch.
2. to move or act quickly or suddenly: to leap aside; She leaped at the opportunity.
3. to pass, come, rise, etc., as if with a jump: to leap to a conclusion; an idea that immediately leaped to mind.
...Sooo, yeah, I am going to "spring through the air from one point to another quickly, suddenly, leaping at the opportunity to see my blessings as they really are BLESSINGS and come to the conclusion that... It is going to be a great year (starting with now!)
Today is the first day of the rest of Eternity...Right now I have the power to tackle that load of laundry...Wash, dry fold and put away! Start to finish. I can do this! I can do all things through JESUS CHRIST who is my strength! Today I will leap over tall buildings in a single bound (built with dishes and laundry & I will do this without getting distracted!), I will run faster than a speeding bullet (through the supermarket since dinner has to be RTE (ready to eat!) before prayer meeting tonight!) REALITY CHECK: I'm going to go grab a cup of coffee and start that 1st load of laundry! I will check back in with ya' tomorrow!
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