Have you ever had a mosquito buzz so close to your ear that you thought he was inside of your head? I have... it was a close encounter that I knew I had to shoo away... one that only I was aware of and yet all those around me at the time must have thought I was ku-koo... I was swattin' and flailing my arms and doing a strange kind of bob and weave... I was afraid that sucker (the Mosquito) was gonna' bite me. I seriously heard that joker singing and it was so close it sounded like my own thought, like he was buzzing around in my noggin!!! Now of course I know that is not even possible, since (contrary to popular belief) my head is not just an empty space for thoughts and dreams and mosquitoes to dwell... I happen to have a big brain which I choose to use from time to time and it is amazing and creative and I am told (in the Bible) that I am to have the "Mind of Christ." But Ooh, to believe that...to really get that truth down into my whole spiritual being, to even fathom the possibility of lil' ole' me having the "Mind of Christ"...well that would just be life changing, wouldn't it be? Yeah, it would, and that is the point of this blog... my "Spiritual Awakening" has begun, so look out mosquitoes and demons... satan himself fears me... I have the authority to speak the name of JESUS, my advocate, my friend, my husband.
I don't know about you, but I am thinkin' it is about time for a Spiritual Awakening, a real REVIVAL... a close encounter of the Holy Ghost kind! I am praying for personal revival, I am so in love with GOD, but I think I could go even deeper!
I speak life to my spiritual immune system where my enemies can not affect me negatively or even get a foot hold. I am a child of GOD, a Princess who lives under a blood covenant, not to be confused with a sinner saved by grace. I am not walking in my own strength, I walk with an army of believers, my brothers and sisters who have stood with me when I was too immature to know who I was. These people (who are not perfect, but who are being perfected) gather with me weekly to praise our Father who resides in Heaven. OHHH, how precious and HOLY is HIS name! Did you know that HIS kingdom has already come, and HIS will absolutely will be done (on Earth as it is done in Heaven)? I ask HIM to feed me HIS daily bread (as I read and ingest THE WORD OF GOD), and forgive me when I step off the path of righteousness and try to go my own way...as of course I forgive those who walk away from me & what I think is the right path...I know for a fact that GOD (who is perfect & who loves me) would never, ever lead me into temptation (I have found those temptations on my own or with the help of my enemies)...God is my Kingdom, My power and HE will continue to be my Glory for ever and ever! Yay, GOD!
I know that I am loved, and for that I am so blessed.

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