Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today's reading challenge was a breeze...I guess wisdom is percolating through my spirit now like coffee thru my brewer! I thought about my morning routine, and how it seems to sometimes feel so...routine! Get up, make my bed, make the coffee, feed the dogs, read & study my BIBLE...and then the list goes on from there...the hard part is never getting up and getting me started, it is getting the kids started on their morning routines. Now I am not going to whine about this ongoing "routine", but I find that taking responsiblity for the success or failure of another human being results in condemnation. (NOT GONNA' HAVE IT!)

I know that as a parent it is my responsibility to motivate and coach the kiddos to greatness, but what happens when just getting thru the day is all the greatness I can seem to muster?  I find that somedays just getting the coffee started is my greatest accomplishment...until I get to go to my upper room and read my BIBLE...I have chores to do, BUT reading my BIBLE is not one of them... I love to read my BIBLE and study it, that is when I am at peace...the time I get to spend with GOD is my favorite part of my day...there is nothing "routine" about it! I find myself getting a lil upset when the kiddos don't get going in the right direction for their day and I have to take time away from reading my BIBLE to prod them like cattle to get moo-ving into school or whatever! That said, lemme tell ya' what I gleaned from today's reading...

Proverbs 13:20 says "Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer."

I wish I could bottle up the wisdom I glean and the love I receive from spending time with GOD every day, cause I would dole it out to the ones I know who are lacking wisdom and love. But it's kinda like the "Cheezits" advertising says, "Get your own box"! Wait...is that from Cheezits or some other snack? Who knows, all I know is that I can not give it to you, you have to find it for yourself, and our cravings are only satisfied in CHRIST.  It is so simple though, but it begins with a routine. I can honestly say that there are some days that I know if I did not have the momentum of my routine going with my BIBLE reading and spending time in prayer and pondering what I have read that I would prolly just skip it...because my flesh sometimes fights it, and if my flesh is not fighting it, the enemy sends a perfectly synchronized ballet of distractions to try to keep me from my only HOPE...my longing. If I obeyed my feelings...or allowed the distractions the victory I would not become a "tree of life" producing good fruit...but since I know the benefits of pushing through the routine to get to the most HOLY PLACE, I know that there is a beautiful gift for me...waiting on me....patient with me. ...(Oh, Thank You GOD).

It has taken me a while to get to this place (& it did not just happen thru this M.O.M. challenge). For years I have been reading my BIBLE daily and I have been accused of being "lazy" because before I go anywhere, do anything (before I even shower!) I spend time in my BIBLE with the "WISE"...I know that anything else is foolishness.  Before I realize it, I have found that the few minutes I was going to spend in THE WORD have turned into half the day (the entire morning anyway) reading and studying my BIBLE...talkin' to GOD, Danicing with JESUS...I love it! I realize that it is necessary to work and earn a living, which is why some people claim that they "don't have time" to read the BIBLE. Since I have choices to make of how I am going to spend my time, I fight ferociously to protect that time...it is so worth it ...And GOD is my provider, I am obviously not lacking anything or starving...I may not always get what I want, but then maybe what I want is not what I need? Hmm? (To be o'kay with that fact takes an attitude adjustment that only GOD can give me...again, it happens when I spend time with HIM!) 

I frequently meditate on a very particular BIBLE verse which is found in today's reading. I got hung up on a while back on this verse which is Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life." (NLT)

"It is sad not to get what you hoped for. But wishes that come true are like eating fruit from the tree of life." (NCV)

12 "Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick,
but a sudden good break can turn life around." (The Message)

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." (NIV)

I often found myself "heartsick", sad, unrelentingly disappointed...(you get the picture) and I was not quite sure why?! I was not sure what I was hoping for exactly, it is like craving a food that you just can't seem to figure out what you are craving...when I get to this point I find that "A sudden break" comes when I force myself to get out of my routine, and do something different...sure I still read my BIBLE everyday because that is just who I am....but I have decided that I need to get out of the house more. I want to spend more time visiting friends at their homes, or going to the beach or just hanging out with Chris and the kids. I am not just waiting around "longing" for the sudden good break that can turn my life around...(not that it is a terribly bad life to begin with, since I do realize that I am so blessed!) But we have all had those seasons of longing for something, hoping for something...wishing upon a star!

Acutally therein hidden lies a law of the universe...the law of attraction...wishing for something leads your thoughts in that direction, and draws it to you good or bad! I wished for more time to read my BIBLE and I have found that in abundance! I found that by letting go of the other ways that I was "wasting" my time (like watching tv or movies) I could spend the time with GOD. I am accused of "wasting" my time when I sit and read my BIBLE, but no matter...I know what is most important to me, and I defend it and fight for it. Jesus said (regarding Mary & Martha) that "Mary (Shawnie) has chosen the better thing, and it will not be taken from her." I believe that JESUS himself defends our time together, after all, "HE is jealous for me"... I love that song...I picture myself as a tree and HE is the Hurricane...as a tree I may have planted myself in the wrong place, and my roots may have grown deep in that place I do not belong...but suddenly, HE comes and uproots me and dances around with me in the storms of life...as the cyclone swirls around us I am spinning and twirling with JESUS...roots exposed, the world around us a blur...HE IS JEALOUS FOR ME!

O'kay, I am just rambling on now...gushing actually...I am in love with a man, and His name is JESUS CHRIST!!!  I could go on and on about my relationship with JESUS, but I know that our relationship is ours...and I hope you find your relationship with Him to be just as fulfilling, just as rewarding...NOTHING COMPARES TO HIM!


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