Friday, March 16, 2012
Still marching? I am too, and I have not grown weary, in fact I have gained so much emotional strength this month, and I know that it is not a coincidence that I am reading my Bible daily! Last month I was so blah~zay, so apathetic about life...I confess, I was downright depressed...for no aparent reason, just...SCHLUMPY! I did not even think about how reading my BIBLE and journaling daily could possibly affect me, but guess what? Now...I feel like I have swallowed the sunshine! While we are on this journey, we have many opportunities to take time to stop and smell the roses, right? I think all of these Proverbs are amazing and loaded with potential to change our thinking or at least get our thoughts blossoming anyway.
I have found two of today's Proverbs to be particularly edifying:Proverbs 16:2 & 16:16... then there is Proverbs 16:15 which has encouraged me to be a good~tempered leader to invigorate my son's life today to be like a "spring rain and sunshine". I had to go wake up "grumpy" this mornin' to start his school day. The pollen has done a number on him, poor little fella'... He has and itchy throat, watery eyes and bloody nose... he has been sneezing a lot, making him sleepy and grumpy... which in turn gives me ample opportunity to be patient and a "good tempered leader"
~* I love an opportunity to be a blessing *~
Back to my earlier thoughts on depression...I am not taking any medz (not judging though if there's anyone out there reading this who happens to be taking an anti-depressant...this information is just to give you hope, o'kay?!) Last month, when I realized that I was battling depression (again) because I just wasn't feeling myself...I considered going to our local health food store and at least getting a bottle of "Happy Camper" (it is an herb mix to help you snap out of it)! I used that a few years back when the Dr. wanted to put me on an anti depressant...I had been depressed for about 3 months and could not seems to shake it...So I went to the Dr. and she did my blood work and offered to write me a prescription for anti-depressants...I asked for an alternative because I do not like taking any drugs if I can avoid them. I say all that to say, yeah I was "officially" depressed, but instead of taking the prescription drugs I prayed about it and at that time I though the answer was to take the "Happy Camper". Within a few days or a week I definitely felt remarkably different. I was happy even though my circumstances in life had not changed...I was sure that "Happy Camper" was the reason! The good thing about Happy Camper is that it was not something I had to take daily, just as needed and I was not something I had to ween myself off of when I wanted to stop taking it. I felt like it was a much better choice than the anti depressants. It worked for me, but I am not giving any medical advice here, just sharing what worked for me. I am glad that I talked to my Dr. even though I did not take her advice, because if I had been wrong about the "Happy Camper" my Dr. would have been my safety net! I would strongly advise keeping your doctor informed of what you are taking even if you would like to try "Happy Camper". O'kay, skip to last month...depression again, and this time no money for a doctor visit, and I didn't even have the money to buy the "Happy Camper", so GOD was my safety net! I believe HOLY SPIRIT challenged me to read the Proverbs daily, and now without taking anything (and again, nothing else in my life's circumstances have changed...except me, because I definitely have changed from depressed and schlumpy to happy camper!) I am a Happy Camper without having to take "Happy Camper!" Coincidence, or perhaps GODs Word is the best medicine! I believe that GOD led me to what was "good" instead of just settling for what I thought might be good for me. Maybe that info. is going to be helpful to someone, 'cause I don't know why I just went off down that bunny trail!
Anyhoo...I guess that last paragraph had something to do with what I read today in Proverbs 16:2 which reads: "Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good, GOD probes for what is good." I think that is kinda' what happened with the whole medz vs. herbs vs. THE WORD paragraph I just wrote about...I know that GOD could have supernaturally healed my body from what ever was the root cause of the depression, (and I believe that HE has done that now) but a few years ago I was delivered from that bout of depression, by means of herbs, and for years I was a happy camper even though I only took the "Happy Camper" herbs for a few months! Of course I totally give GOD the credit for delivering me from depression, and now I am taking a daily dose of HIS WORD and no herbs or medz and I am feeling like a happy camper... so, yeah GOD is good all the time. I am so glad I was not "satisfied" with the easy out of just taking a prescription drug... I have found what is THE BEST not just what is good. I have a relationship with GOD now because I read HIS WORD daily and I pray and talk to HIM... I am asking HIM daily for guidance... As I am getting "ready" for my day I will ask HIM..."What's in store for us today Father?" I found a cute cartoon that I made a copy of and I am going to frame it and hang it in my says, "I think I will dress-up today, just in case YOU have a great surprise planned for me GOD!" I love that!
Also, one of today's verses confirmed what I wrote about yesterday: Proverbs 16:16 reads "Get Wisdom ~ it's worth more than money, choose insight over income every time." By reading the Proverbs daily and applying them to our lives we are getting Wisdom...So we'll just have to wait and see where this Wisdom leads us in the future! I have the faith to believe that GOD is leading us to the provision HE has made for us. For me that be a job or maybe continuing with my Etsy shop... Maybe HE is preparing my heart to be a good steward of the abundance HE has in store for me. Either way I know that HE is leading me to the Promised land, and I know it is a land flowing with milk and honey! I am so enjoying this journey right now... Are you?
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