Proverbz 6
Like a deer from the hunter is how Solomon tells us to run to get ourselves out of the bad mistakes we have chosen...for instance making deals with strangers or going into "hock" with a neighbor. I guess what Solomon is trying to tell us is that when we act impulsively and realize our mistake that we should immediately try to make the wrong a right. & Don't be a borrower!
He reminds us again to look at the ants and take a lesson from them...they are motivated by what is right not by a bossman...they work hard all day long and they are not lazy! So I guess motivating you all to read Proverbs this month (on your own) is a good reminder of this proverb...we can work hard at gaining wisdom, and we do not need a drill sargent breathing down our necks hollerin' obscenities to remind us to work hard...I don't know about you, but I am motivated by love ...(& hunger!)
Solomon also tells us about "riffraff rascals" & how they talk out of both sides of their mouths...stirring up trouble and their perverse minds are always cooking up something nasty...catastrophe is where those guys are headed...I wish they were not fools, I pray that the people I know like that will hear HOLY SPIRIT calling out to them and wake up before it is too late!
Here Solomon tells us about the 7 things GOD hates:
1. arrogant eyes
2. a tongue that lies
3. hands that murder the innocent
4. a heart that hatches evil plots
5. feet that race down a wicked track
6. a mout that lies under oath
7. a trouble maker in the family
Then Solomon warns against adultery (again!) wasn't that pretty much all yesterday was about? Putiry? hmm...must be some pretty important stuff if he repeats himself, and goes on and on and on about the same subject...run from sleeze & perversity...it is nothin' but trouble.
I guess that about sums today up...Wisdom...we're gettin' there!
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