Thursday, March 22, 2012


Thursday, March 22, 2012


"The Cure Comes Through Discipline"

Those are the words that stared back at me in my Message version of the BIBLE this morning... right there in black and simple, yet such profound wisdom. It is the Truth... need a cure? Try applying discipline to whatever ails ya'...I know I sound like I am selling snake oil here, but according to Solomon, and my own life's experiences this simple truth truly is the TRUTH & the "cure all". 

You don't even really need to think about this, because it is so flippin' simple...but please... do think about it (discipline) ...think about it a lot ... but don't stop there because discipline requires much, much more than just thinkin' about it... although that is the best place to start:
                                                         DISCIPLINE REQUIRES ACTION

Drugs & alcohol require discipline to free yourself from their bondage...a foolish child requires discipline to become wise... physical strength comes from the discipline of resistance training...(shoo emotional strength comes from resistance training too, from what I have learned, I have had to resist the urge to give so often, proving to myself that I am no quitter)... a messy house becomes clean when you discipline yourself to just clean it... weight loss REQUIRES  discipline... financial freedom takes discipline... DISCIPLINE IS THE CURE ALL. (I could just stop here and that lesson would be enough for me to marinate in for the rest of this Month of March challenge... but of course I am gonna' elaborate while I marinate! (Bear with me I got very little sleep last night, and my Dr. Suess rhyming skills usually kick in pretty good when I am a lil' sleepy!) Weird? Yeah...I know, it's kinda' creepy!

STOP ...Back it on up a paragraph, and let me repeat something so you don't miss it:

                                                           DISCIPLINE REQUIRES ACTION

If we just read through these Proverbs this month and we do not apply them to our lives, they are just words in a book that we obviously do not believe, or put very much faith I right? Well, where's the power in THE WORD if you do not apply it? KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!!  The POWER is there peeps, so if you are lacking don't blame it on GOD, HE has given you everything you need to survive & thrive in your life. You just need to discipline youself to read, trust & obey! (Hint: HE will even help you out with that discipline thang if ya' just ask HIM to...HE will discipline you, trust me!)

Having full acces to the BIBLE & not reading it is like having a cure to the most deadly and venomous snake bite, and just not injecting it straight into your blood stream (duh!). FREEBASE THE WORD, MAN!!! (O'kay, sorry for the drugs references there, I may have just crossed a line!) Come on people...  don'tchya' get it??? These words are alive, and they can make you healthy if ingested and digested and they get into your blood and become a part of who you are... Just like what is happening to eachof us when we are reading the Proverbs on this M.O.M. challenge everyday...reading and journaling about what we are reading... and thinking on these words & ideas all day, meditating on them, marinating in them, elaborating them, tatooing them on our brains, tying them around our wrists... It is like full on SPRINGTIME in my soul right now... We are all blooming with wisdom, I don't know about you, but THE WORD is LIFE to this reader! Honey words for my heart! If I looked in the mirror and saw what I feel in my heart right now, I would be so beautiful...that is what GOD sees when HE looks at me through THE BLOOD GOGGLES.... Do I need to explain the blood goggles? Leave me a comment below and let me know if you wanna ask me what "THE BLOOD GOGGLES" are, I must admit... it is kinda out there....

ANYHOO... I have been learning so much about who GOD is throughout this M.O.M. challenge, HIS nature and what HE expects from me. I am also learning that I can not trust my own heart to guide me... my heart can deceive me. (and it has many times, Ouch.) If I can forgive others, (and I know for a fact that I can) then I can forgive my own deceitful heart.  I know that since even I can not be trusted, I have to have something solid to anchor myself to when things get outta' control. (That was what I was talkin' about for the last two days, remember..."What's my motivation"?)

When life seems like it's the darkest night, that is usually when the loudest & longest storm will thrash you until you don't know which way is the horizon...  that is also when life usually hits you like a TKO (total knock out), and then.................
......................................................Boom~boom: out~go~the~lights.... Phew... I am so glad I know that that is just a perception & not a reality....the lights don't really go out... the SON is always shining somewhere! When that TKO happens you need to know there is a solid ground that you can get back up and stand on so that you can bob & weave, bob & weave...during the next bazillion rounds.

But hey, it happens, sometimes we just get knocked down. Sucker punched. Life is not a fair fight, sometimes it hits you below the belt & knocks the wind right outta' ya'. When you have (or choose to begin to have) the discipline it takes to get  back up again, you will realize that you have someone right there who is gonna stick closer than a brother. HE loves you and hates to see you get back "in" HE wants to take your place, be your contender. Ya' just gotta let HIM... like I said yesterday, it is called "total surrender". The greatest relationship of all times (JESUS & you). HE is the only relationship that will breathe HIS breath of life into you when you surrender your own. It will feel like death, but it is just the beginning of the first day of the rest of you life! HIS love will fill you with all the life you will ever need. HOLY SPIRIT will love on you when you are down...Get this: "HE HEALS THE BROKEN HEARTED AND BINDS UP THEIR WOUNDS" psalm 147:3.... mmm...that is some delicious medicine, heart honey, soothing "Balm of Gilead". "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, in the most delightful way" ~ Mary Poppins!

When you realize that you don't even have the strength to get up again, and you just wanna' lay there and play dead, its all good.... DON'T JUST JUMP RIGHT BACK UP, TAKE YOUR TIME, take as much time as you need...we're in no hurry...You are unique in everything, even in the time it takes you to bounce back ~ and you will bounce back, YOU WILL BOUNCE BACK!  "Today you are you, and that's truer than true, there is no one alive who is youer than you" ~ Dr. Suess.

GOD knows you, HE is patient with you, HE loves you, HE is on your side. Nightfall is inevitable, but you don't have to be afraid of the dark... "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." & "GOD IS BIGGER THAN THE BOOGEY MAN, AND HE'S WATCHIN' OUT FOR YOU AND ME!" ~Jr. Cucumber!

GOD loves you whether you live a disciplined life or not, I am just here to tell ya' that it will go a lot better the sooner you realize that DISCIPLINE REQUIRES ACTION, and DISCIPLINE IS THE CURE TO WHAT AILS YA'!

So, yeah... I am totally getting that this message is prolly just for me...y'all didn't even have to log on to read has not "gone to waste" echoing throughout the corridors of cyber space.... Even though I am not defined by a number on the scale...this morning I stepped on the reality factor (my scale) and I realized in a really brutally, black and white, staring-me-in-the-face kinda' way that DISCIPLINE REQUIRES ACTION! Ugh. GOD, HELP ME. ...Why can't I just be skinny & rich? (My guess is that will require some discipline!) Hahaha!

I have to go make breakfast and prod a reluctant school boy into starting his day now because, yup:

                                                   DISCIPLINE REQUIRES ACTION 


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