Thursday, March 8, 2012


Thursday, March 8, 2012


 FIRST, let me just say...if I am in a hurry, pressed for time and trying to rush through a meal just to get it over with or cram it in...I choke! Reading the BIBLE is kinda like eating a good meal,  I don't know about you but I can't eat fast food and be satisfied...I always feel like I am still hungry later, because it is not actually is simply gut fill. WISDOM is health food, and while it can be a quick snack occasionally, for the full benefits it requires fine dining. Set yourself up for success here and find a quiet spot, away from the hustle and bustle of the day's chaos and quiet your mind a few moments and ask GOD for the ability to digest what you are reading daily...your M.O.M. challenge will be much more nourishing that way and not just gut fill!

That said, if you are so busy that you only have 10-15 minutes it is better to grab a healthy snack of Wisdom than to sit on FaceBook and while away those minutes...minutes are so valuable! Shut down the computer & open your BIBLE...April 1, 2012 you will be glad you listened to me...I feel like a mama birdie eating the nourishment and regurgitating it for her babies to swallow...I do that for my kids and husband who don't take the time (For whatever reason) to eat the worm for I am happy to do it here too! Or maybe you have read the Proverb for today and you just wanna hear my take on it...that is so cool too, I am glad you're here...

...AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR...(WISDOM)! Today's chapter personifies Wisdom as a woman (referring to wisdom as "SHE" throughout). The BIBLE will refer to wisdom again as a woman in Proverbs 31 I love that chapter...wait for it...wait for it!!! (I am such a Proverbs 31 woman wannabe!!!)

Still with me? I hope so! What a blessing it is to gain wisdom...and did you catch the promise today in verse 17? This is "Wisdom" talking & she says, "I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me." Thank GOD...Wisdom rejects no one, isn't that encouraging? I know I have been rejected by some and it is not a good feeling, for whatever reason (possibly PMS?) some women are vicious... they want to draw some people close while rejecting others...I don't want to be a woman like that...My motto is "Why can't we all just get along?" I used to have one special rule when my kids were little: and it went a lil' sumthin' like this..."You can't say 'you can't play'!" I wanted to teach them at a young age that rejecting others is not acceptable... rejection is not GOD's personality...HE loves all who love HIM, and HE even loves the ones who don't! HE created everything and must make HIM so sad to know when HIS kids reject HIM or reject HIS SON (or HIS wisdom). Verse 17 (actually the whole chapter) sounded like JESUS talking to us...dontchya' think?

Then I read the notes from my Life Recovery Bible  (which are great, by the way!) they read: Solomon portrayed wisdom as a personal being who existed with GOD before the earth was created and who was the "architect" for Creation. This may be an allusion to JESUS the Mesiah, who, according to the book of John, was the WORD that not only "already the beginning with GOD," but "was GOD", and "created everything" (John 1 1-3). Colossians 1:16 says that "Through (CHRIST) GOD created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth." Those who in faith listen to Christ (see John 5:24) and follow HIS wisdom will find eternal life and favor with GOD. Following Christ's instructions for our life is our only means of recovery."

So a lot of talk about Wisdom and still I found myself asking, "O'kay GOD, so Solomon has given a great sales pitch on getting wisdom...I am sold! I want it, so how do I get it?" And ya' know what GOD told me? ................"You're getting it..."

..."You have found Wisdom in MY WORD...Reading MY WORD daily is how you get it! It is simple really, any child who can read can be wise...You don't have to buy it because it is free (but it is not cheap) and you don't need to sell it because it should be given freely as you have received it...but keep doing what you are doing, Shawnie, and you will keep getting what you are getting! You have found wisdom in my WORD. Return daily and I will give you another heapin' helpin' of Wisdom and then you can digest that and come back for more tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day... !"  Said Daddy GOD to me! I am so thankful for HIS WORD. HIS thoughts are becoming my thoughts, I am beginning to sense a feeling of connectedness to my Father, GOD and  & I hope others will see the family resemblance! I want to reflect who HE is in all I say and do...HELP ME FATHER, TO BE A BETTER DAUGHTER!

Finally, in verse 35 of Proverbs 8 today I read, "For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD 36But those who miss me injure themselves." I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a fool and keep injuring myself by trippin' over stupid, or lazy or rebellion! Reading GOD's WORD daily is going to save me from stupid...that's my hope anyway!  Are ya' with me? Come back tomorrow for another "heapin' helpin'" ... GOD willing, I'll be here!

Have a blessed day, family!

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