Friday, March 9, 2012

M.O.M. Challenge Day 9

Friday, March 9, 2012


O'kay, so listen it is in a nutshell... I used to think ignorance was bliss, but I was dead wrong! Now I believe that knowledge is power.

If someone who cares about you corrects you most likely they are trying to help you...duh! So why then would you get angry? Well Solomon says that when someone who cares about you (a.k.a. GOD, Mom, Dad, Husband, Sister, Brother, In-laws, Friends...and the list goes on...I hope!) corrects you it is because they believe they are trying to that point you have two choices: 1. Listen and learn (as the wise person does) 
                                                                   2. Get angry and rebel (like a fool!)

Hey y'all these are not my ideas here...the wisest man in the Bible is sayin' this stuff, k?

Yes, I know that there are some people in life who think they know it all and they are bossy and they want to tell you what's what! (HINT: LOOK FOR THE ONES WHO TALK REAL LOUD, CONSTANTLY INTERRUPT YOU, AND WHO DO NOT LISTEN WHEN IT IS YOUR TURN TO SPEAK!) I am not saying you have to obey everyone in your life...GOD, yes ~*~ but not everyone else 'cause they are just human and they could be wrong! (yup, even me!)

I'm just sayin' that you should listen to people with an open and teachable spirit...listen and then take it back to GOD in your quiet time with HIM...HE will show you who is right and who is just trying to control and manipulate you...they are out there...and unfortunately they could be cleverly disguised as someone who, yeah you gotta use WISDOM here people!!! Proverbs 9:6 reads, "Leave your simple ways behind, and begin to live; learn to use good judgment."

To be a fool or to mock and disregard or get angry with those who are concerned for us is to deny that we have a problem... you livin' in denial?  That ain't no river in Egypt, baby!!!! Proverbs 9:12 reads: "If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer." Denial is not a GOD place to live... it is where the devil (who hates you) hangs out...he wants you to camp out there with him ...and chill for a while... he tells you that everyone who tries to correct you is an idiot, and they don't know what they are talking about...he gets off on offenses...he loves it when you get offended...he loves a good fight! Splitting up relationships is his main gig. GOD gives us people as a gift, we can either be blessed by them or not.  I don't know about you, but I try to seek the blessings, even if they come in the form of a life lesson...rain is a blessing, storms are blessings, discipline is a blessing...GOD corrects who HE loves...the enemy is gonna let you run right off that cliff with no warning, right? Shoo, he prolly lured you to the edge! (Or maybe it was your own curiosity, love ~*~ either way GOD does not want you to be a fool!)

I know it is painful to have a look-see into who we really are and why we do the junk we do...we all have junk in our trunk...but to deny that it is even there is just gonna hurt you...and nobody else but! (Lighten up!)  Acutally everyone gets hurt when we deny a good learning experience, cause when you are livin' la vida loca (the crazy life) of denial you are not living up to your true GOD bein' a fool, honey child! I am not suggesting navel gazing...just be ready at all times to be corrected by GOD thru HIS peeps that HE has put in your life! You can say you are listening to GOD, but since this is a faith walk, and I am pretty sure that HE is not writing you personal life instructions in the clouds...we can hear HIS voice, sure, but sometimes we hear only what we want to hear...right? We are (I am) really good at listening for HIS voice when HE is loving on me...but when it comes to discipline I confess, I need to hear it from a few sources, several times. GOD's correction is loving, harsh sometimes, but condemnation is not from HIM. If you are feeling condemned, step back a moment breathe in a lung full of love and re-think what you were just thinking...Can you try a think again (this time in love)? If you are hearing or feeling condemnation from any source...maybe you need to get some deliverance.  GOD lessons are not messages rooted in condemnation, they are rooted in love. Conviction is different than condemnation...conviction says, "Yah wow, that is me, and I don't wanna be that way anymore" Condemnation burns your cheeks and gets you all flustered and says, "I'm an idiot!" (p.s. You are not an idiot!)

And you wonder, "Why is my life so difficult? Why's everybody always pickin' on me...Why do people avoid me? Where are my true friends?" ...ummm, listen here sistah, if you are finding that a lot of people are trying to give you some advice, LISTEN TO THEM and don't get offended (like the fool!) GOD has given you people in your life that love you...everyone has someone who loves them...but maybe you have pushed them all away 'cause you have been acting like a fool? hmmm? Just maybe...stay with me here a minute ok?

You still with me?  

'Cause just maybe these harsh words will change your life...don't shoot the messenger!  Well maybe you have already clicked away fromt his blog, 'cause it struck a nerve??? (If so you are not reading this right now, but you are a fool!) I am saying this in love... and if you are still with me...GO LOOK INTO THE MIRROR OF GOD'S WORD...TALK TO GOD & ASK HIM WHO HE PUT INTO YOUR LIFE TO HELP YOU GROW? Do you have a teachable spirit or are you a fool? I know I have not got it all together and I am so thanking GOD right now for HIS discipline...I never like spanking my kids, but I would rather pop them on the hand when they are reaching for the electrical outlet than to just let them get shocked! Spankin's hurt, but they are better than death or being a fool (which leads to death according to Solomon)! 

Solomon says in Proverbs 9:7 "Anyone who rebukes a mocker will get an insult in return. Anyone who corrects the wicked will get hurt. 8So don't bother correcting mockers; they will only hate you. But correct the wise, and they will love you." So ...hmm, do you find yourself getting angry or offended when people are talking to you? Red Flag>>> Do you try find fault with people who have found fault in you??? (ouch, Charlie, that really hurt!!!)

When I realize that I am speaking with a fool... I will stop talking....literally I have made a mental note to self to put my tongue between my teeth, and bite down...some times I have to bite down really hard, because I hate seeing a fool be foolish. AWKWARD!

You know when you know someone is being a fool...and they prolly realize it too, but they are too just foolish to admit it... at that point I just hope that they sense the awkwardness & they ask GOD whazzup? It is not my place to save the world, but that's just plain difficult when you are not able to... umm... enlighten them? I have been there so time I thought I needed to know if the person ever "got it" and you know what? I believe that GOD spoke to me through that life lesson...saying, "You don't need to know...that's MY business!" So, yeah...I have learned to just let it go. Trust GOD to be THE SAVIOUR. Speak when HE tells me to speak otherwise I will bite my tongue...I am still practicing that part though!

I am not a GOD pusher...I'll use my get-away-sticks, put one foot in front of the other...and while I'm walkin' away (since I'm not like Mr.T, I don't pity the fool) I pray for them! I am still learning when to call it quits, ya' know? I will continue to try to teach those who want to be wise...but when I come across a fool, I'ma try to just listen to wise ole' Solomon, and just walk away...c'mon boots! Move it on out!

DISCLAIMER: THIS DOES NOT MEAN... that I think that I don't need correction. UH...NO. I am no fool! I know that I require correction (frequently) to grow in Wisdom. I have taught my kids a lot of things over the years, some times I taught them how NOT to behave by watching me make mistakes...but one thing I have learned as a teacher...When I am teaching, I am also learning. I love that! Didjya' catch that? When you are teaching (not controling) you are also learning...unless you are a fool, and well...then you are just a manipulating playah! p.s. one day, playah, you will find yourself at the end of your lonely road...nothing but the sound of crickets ('cause nobody likes a manipulator) & you will be askin' yourself...."Why don't I have any real friends?" REPENT: ask GOD to change you, let JESUS cleanse your brain and allow HOLY SPIRIT to guide into making some real changes.

I admit, I still have a lot to learn...Maybe you have something to teach me? hmm...leave me a comment below... When people try to teach me stuff, I'll listen intently but then I'll take it back to Daddy GOD and ask HIM if what was said is truth.

I have learned that sometimes people (who care about me) have a different agenda than GOD...some people are manipulators,  and they don't even realize it. They want to change your mind on issues...turn you to their way of thinking...they just wanna win!  SO beware of the brainwashers...only HOLY SPIRIT can wash a person's brain proper... if they are willing to be change~able! I know that my thoughts are not always HIS thoughts and my ways are not always HIS ways, sometimes my thoughts and ways are down and dirty-dog yeah, I do want to be "brain washed" - BY GOD!!! I believe that is what we are doing with this Month of March challenge of reading the PROVERBZ!!! Cleanin' up that "Stinkin' Thinkin'"!

Always remember and please never forget...NO MATTER WHAT THEY TELL YOU... IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS!  


  1. Well stated...I listen for HIS voice ALWAYS and I typically find it in the still and peacefulness of nature, like Walden, Thoreau, Burroughs, The Vagabonds, and so many others we know and know not yet...beautifully written...hugs girl! have such a wonderful soul...thx

    1. Thank you, Steve. I just found YOUR comment...I have been bloggin' along with no comments for so long, and I just assumed no one was reading! Ha! Note to self: NEVER ASSUME!

      I was thinking how cool it would be to turn this blogspot into an interactive thang! I am not sure how that will work though? I will publish everyone's comments so other's can read and learn! Hugs back at ya'!
      p.s. I enjoy seeing your animation on your blogs, isn't creating stuff fun?!
